Why Choose Moulded Pulp?

Since the last decade, most of the developed countries are phasing out the use of polystyrene, single-use plastic, thermocol and Styrofoam partially or completely. Central and state governments are gradually putting bans on the usage of the mentioned non-biodegradable products.

Companies worldwide are taking strides to change their packaging practice to an alternative, more sustainable mode of packaging.

Using our fibre-based packaging form can highlight your company’s sustainable stance and can significantly help you better place your product in the global market. We envision ourselves to be a leader in innovative packaging that is both sustainable and commercially competitive.

Why Choose
-- Molded Pulp EPS/ Thermocol
Material 100% Recycled Paper Resin Based
Sustainability Recyclable, biodegradable & compostable Non-biodegradable
Price Stable Volatile
Cushioning Excellent vibration & cushioning properties Good vibration & cushioning properties
Shipping & Storage Easily nests Does not nest
Climate Tolerance Unaffected by extreme temperature Temperature affects brittleness
Static Static neutral Requires treatment with antistatic agents
Protection Geometry Density