What is Fibre-based packaging /
Pulp Moulding?

Moulded pulp manufacturing is a completely sustainable method. It is used for protective packaging for a wide range of products. 100% of the products are made from recycled paper.

The pulp trays are a biodegradable alternative for thermocol/Styrofoam-based packaging. They also provide shock absorption during transport and are easily stackable.

Newspapers, scrapped boxes, paperboard, magazines, etc. which are disposed of from households and industries are pulped and moulded into a specific custom-made cavity.

Fibre-based packaging Pulp Moulding
Pulp Moulding

What is Fibre-based packaging /
Pulp Moulding?

Moulded pulp manufacturing is a completely sustainable method. It is used for protective packaging for a wide range of products. 100% of the products are made from recycled paper.

The pulp trays are a biodegradable alternative for thermocol/Styrofoam-based packaging. They also provide shock absorption during transport and are easily stackable.

Newspapers, scrapped boxes, paperboard, magazines, etc. which are disposed of from households and industries are pulped and moulded into a specific custom-made cavity.

What is Fibre-based packaging /
Pulp Moulding?

Moulded pulp manufacturing is a completely sustainable method. It is used for protective packaging for a wide range of products. 100% of the products are made from recycled paper.

The pulp trays are a biodegradable alternative for thermocol/Styrofoam-based packaging. They also provide shock absorption during transport and are easily stackable.

Newspapers, scrapped boxes, paperboard, magazines, etc. which are disposed of from households and industries are pulped and moulded into a specific custom-made cavity.

Fibre-based packaging Pulp Moulding